Sailed from Salt Spring to Pender Island in the rain. I love getting cold and wet and having my hand on the tiller for a long time. Was a fairly decent wind for the first leg, a few easy tacks and sailed almost right into the harbour before the wind died. Boat and navigation is functioning very well. I'v also improved my sailing skills this past year and feel ready for a trip the Queen Charlotte Islands throught the inside passage. Where this is all heading; a trip south all the way to Costa Rica to visit the cloud forest and my friend, nick, who has some land there with waterfalls and stuff.
There are more birds in the cloud forest than anywhere else in the world probably. Sailing down there would be the adventure of a life time for us. Then of course that's so close to panama and the canal. We could either go through the Canal and sail up the east coast of central America and out to the caribean via cube and nassau. I once was in Nassau and the scuba diving is crazy good. Water is very very clear, good visability and there are layers upon layers and swirls of different colored fish swimming about.
Alternately we could turn north west from Costa Rica and go the the hawaiian Islands. That is all half a year away though and i guess i'm just dreaming to get thgrough the winter. It's nice here where we are now anyway, the sun just came out!!!
I'm going to ride my bike to the gym and then come and get back to work.