Saturday, October 15, 2016

Portraits of O

Some rough notes on the themes inherent in Portraits of O, an original composition by Kenneth Fersht, a.k.a. Electro Spaz. Two tracks, loop on National Chicagoan Lap Steel and lead on Strat using tapping technique and violinesque approach to the guitar.

recorded this this morning, latest version of Portraits of O, with some additional melodic embellishments at the end. This has been my daily meditation of late. Not the best i've played it but i rarely press record. I should more often and will soon have a few new version of this and some other new works to share. Also, i originally wrote this on lap steel guitar but this version is a bit less subtle perhaps, on the Stratocaster and sort of hits you over the head with the main melody at one point, haha...too much espresso sometimes. So this piece incorporates and merges some middle eastern, some east Indian, some blues, some western classical and Spanish motifs along with other various influences melodically speaking but in truth it's the song in my heart at the moment so i'm singing it as best i can, metaphorically speaking.

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