Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Robots of War

Photo by Neil Blevins: ©2011-Neil Blevins
posted here with permission from Neil Blevins
A few years ago I become interested with the way in which robots have been and may be used on modern battlefields. This group, examines historical, current, future, real and imagined 'fighting machines".

Robotic creatures/vehicles of death of many varieties, are in experimental and in some cases already highly functional stages of development.

The merging of nano-tech with robotics and drone weaponry is happening. Tiny flying devices capable of delivering a chemical or biological payload are a possibility at this point. These devices can be and therefore will be networked and sent out as a cloud or as individuals to do their controllers bidding. They will be able to fly like an insect, magnetic when need be, able to stick to metal surfaces and also to crawl when necessary on non-metallic surfaces. A swarm of these sent into an urban population could do massive damage and start an epidemic for example.

Another interesting/terrifying recent development is that of the wearable robotic exoskeleton, capable of increasing an individuals strength multi-fold and also of being armoured and armed with heavy weapons. These are capable of running at high speed also and will no doubt in the near future be able to fly also, with the integration of light weight materials such as graphine fibre composites, with heads up displays these could be controlled by the individual wearing the armoured exoskeleton or by a networked command centre. The general will have to eventually be a computer as one can easily imagine two or more such systems in conflict having to calculate outcome probabilities, strategy, and actions, within a time frame of nano-seconds in order to compete with/defeat the other system. Imagine one computer code named Fischer and another Kasparov for example and each of those controlling armies of drones. This is not as far fetched, sadly, as it may sound at first glance.

Imagine a future where the entire planet is controlled by the military-industrial complex politically (not too far off the current situation) and militarily and among the population, the 99% if you will, are governed by this military police state. "Citizens" are injected with GPS chips for easy tracking and if disobedient to the state/empire they can be "terminated" using a targeted drone of some sort. The food and water supply are also owned and tightly controlled by the Central Scrutinizer, which could then easily lay siege to any region. The super computer, nick named oh let's say, Mark-Z 2044, responsible for analysis of "facebook pages" and other compiled databases containing individual profile information in order to determine who is a likely "dissident" and/or "undesirable" and should be either surveilled with more diligence and/or detained and/or terminated.

If you have any images/ideas/knowledge concerning this topic which you would like to share please do.

Created with flickr slideshow.

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