Friday, February 03, 2012

On the topic of law enforcement and justice

There is a lot of corruption in law enforcement to be uncovered and dealt with if we are to be better off as a society. The problem is intrinsic in a system which is attractive to those with a natural urge to power trip over others, those looking for situations in which they can fulfill sadistic, bullying tendencies also. Some are there also because they sincerely wish to help others, fight crime and do good and we should not forget that. In some cases organized crime has stacked the deck by planting some of their own in police department, government, and other positions of authority. 

I believe that stricter psychological testing and perhaps higher standards of education prior to being allowed to be in that position of authority would benefit law enforcement, and there fore all of society within the current system. It should be noted that with less money spent on military action and other  defence, gasoline and/or murder related expenses, we could easily provide everyone with a free university education, better quality earlier education and experiences, free day care for single moms, free top quality health care, train more doctors, nurses, provide emergency help for those who are really in dire straights also. With all of that in place, people will feel less desperation, there will be less "impossible" seeming situation for people and there fore less crime.

With a more just world there will be less "dissent" also among the various peoples of the world and less and less need for police in general. There is corruption also, and lots of it, in the hacker community; many people engaged in the dark side of hacking, stealing identities, scamming, selling viagra and loan sharks, dodgy real estate offers, and don't forget to stop in to Rotterdam on your way out to pick up your multi-million dollar inheritance, from some deposed bank official or dick-tator in Nigeria. But the solution to that is exercising some simple common sense most of the time. Students should be taught how to spot dodgy internet claims and what to do or not to do in those situations in high school. People also must be brought up in a less materialistic way so that they will not fall prey to scams which capitalize upon peoples need and greed. 

It's time that the world woke up to the big lies that are perpetrated daily by our various cultures. Big money and politics do not belong in the same bed, big money has to go from that equation. As long as large corporations are footing the bill for election campaigns there will be corruption at the highest levels of government and in the military and police forces which are supposed to be serving and protecting the people. All too often the politicians end up serving the well do do, bowing to the multi-national and often lawless "people" known as corporations; these machines, beholden to their shareholders and little else, without conscience are the equivalent of multi-tenticled socio-paths and are currently greedily stripping the planet for all of the resources they can get their suckers on and have been for quite some time. 

Many of the visions of George Orwell's 1984 have come to pass also, with so much daily surveillance of the average innocent individual for example, especially in urban centres. Add to that the erosion of human rights in both east and west and we are looking at a real struggle for redemption right now the world over. We can do it now, with the "hive-mind" effect that is growing exponentially and sweeping the planet via the internet. That's why it is so crucial that we keep avenues of sharing knowledge, information, and ideas open and out of the control of the corporate elite. People often use the expression, "it's all good"...well listen children..don't be so's not "all good"...there is always a balance, swinging precariously between "good" and "bad"  currently 51% good perhaps to 49% bad but if we lapse in our duty to stay active and informed we will collectively suffer for it and future generations will suffer even more. That's why it's so important to fight for the light, to eschew the darkness, the greed, the power-trip, the taking for oneself at the expense of another...if not it soon becomes 51% bad to 49% good and can get much worse than that. Just ask any survivor of a concentration camp how bad it can get. Humans have an absolutely shocking history; one of being remarkably cruel/brutal to one another at times. At the same time we have capacity to love, to care for one another, the help and teach one another, to care for the sick, to feed the hungry, to show compassion and empathy (although this may not be our natural state, it is a higher state to which we can aspire) Our natural state may be as animals, savage beasts, fighting over scraps of a kill for dinner after all if you look at the bulk of human evolution and not too distant past. 

So it is this duality which we must be aware of and make every effort to tip the scales on the positive side. 

Peace, sincerely, Kmax

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